4 Tips for Making the Most of Your Next Big Trip

We’ve almost all been hit with a sense of wanderlust at some point or another in our lives. The yearn to travel far and wide, seeing places we haven’t seen before, immersing ourselves in different cultures and really getting to experience more of the world.

Right now, travel may be off the cards. The rapid spread of coronavirus means that many of us aren’t able to safely leave our houses, nevermind jumping on flights to the other side of the world.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning your next trip for when this all passes. Here are a few ways you can get the most out of your next big travel adventure!

Choose Your Location Wisely

If you’re spending a lot on a getaway, you want to make sure you’re going somewhere you’re genuinely invested in seeing. Have a travel bucket list? Take a look at it and focus on saving up to see one of the places at the top.

It’s a good idea to choose somewhere that’s catering to whatever you’re looking for. Relaxation, rest, sun, sea and sand? Cities, museums, art galleries and other cultural attractions? Choose your location so that it caters to your tastes as best possible.

Source: Pexels.

Look Up Location-Specific Travel Advice

It’s a good idea to read up on travel advice to the location you’re specifically going to. People who have visited before will be able to tell you the best places to stay, the best places to eat, the best things to do… the list goes on.

Read travel blogs, travel websites and check out a travel forum to get to know an area before you get there!

Source: Pexels.

Learn Some Language Basics

Of course, you don’t have to be fluent in the language of every country you visit. But it’s always good to have at least a very basic grasp of the language of a country you’re visiting.

Basic greetings such as hello and goodbye, phrases such as “how much” and “where’s the bathroom”, polite words such as “please” and “thank you”.

These will all serve you well. Language learning apps such as DuoLingo and Babbel are often free to use and can help you to pick these up!

Source: Pexels.

Create a Schedule

Heading away for a week? Two weeks? A month? Regardless, it’s best to create some sort of schedule to ensure you fit everything you want to do into your trip.

This way, you won’t return home feeling disappointed that you didn’t get to do something you hoped to! Sure, you don’t have to stick to it strictly once you’re there if other things catch your eye and you’d rather visit somewhere else or do something else. But it’s good to have a basic idea before arriving.

So, get planning! While we may not be able to actually book travel right now, it’s still productive and exciting to come up with plans. It’ll distract you for a while and give you something to look forward to!

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