What You Could Get In London For $10 – The Viktor Wynd’s Museum of Curiosities

Hi everyone! As I mentioned on the previous post about how I would like to feature several travel bloggers to talk about what you could get in the city for $10, this is gonna be our first post on the feature for the collaboration and I’m excited to share with you what you could do […]

What You Could Get In London For $10 – The Viktor Wynd’s Museum of Curiosities Read More »

8 Country Songs To Listen To Whenever You Travel

Recently, I was on this thread where someone posted this question: “So what animal can we ethically ride?” only for me to scroll the answer that is varied. No kidding, from the generic answer like domestic animals like horse, donkey or camel to some PETA activists who strictly prohibit anyone from riding any kind of

8 Country Songs To Listen To Whenever You Travel Read More »

The Battle of Online Cabs in South East Asia: Uber, Grab or Go-Jek?

I remember getting lost in the city that I had never been before with the language that I barely spoke, hailing a cab to get me somewhere without knowing how to tell the driver about your destination could be really difficult. Nowadays, with the emergence of Uber and then some similar platforms, life is a

The Battle of Online Cabs in South East Asia: Uber, Grab or Go-Jek? Read More »
