The Ultimate Hydration Hacks for Long Haul Flights

Long-haul flights are one of those things that you either love or hate. For some of us, the excitement of travel is a major part of the whole experience, for others it is a necessary evil. Whatever your point of view, one thing that can help you through the experience is proper hydration.

The unique environment of an airplane cabin makes it all too easy to become dehydrated, affecting everything from your skin to your overall health. So, as we discuss here, just following a few hydration hacks for long haul flights that can help you arrive refreshed, focused, and fully hydrated.

Why Hydration is Crucial on Long Haul Flights

Let’s begin by addressing a common misconception about hydration in general – being thirsty is not just a warning sign, it is a symptom that says you are already experiencing dehydration.

a passenger drinking on an airplane seat.
Source: Unsplash.

This is a critical aspect and is often overlooked. However, the pressurized cabin of an airplane with its low humidity and high altitude makes staying hydrated even more important. Avoiding becoming thirsty in such circumstances is essential and apart from the overall health benefits it can also help combat dry lips, hair, and skin:

  • Dehydration in the air: The low humidity in aircraft cabins is notorious for causing dehydration. With humidity levels much lower than what most people are used to, your body loses moisture faster than it can replenish.
  • Health impacts: Dehydration can lead to a variety of health issues, including headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. It can also exacerbate the effects of jet lag.
  • Performance and comfort: Adequate hydration is key to maintaining cognitive function and mood. It also helps in maintaining skin elasticity and reducing the feeling of dryness and discomfort.

But, just how do you stay hydrated when you are miles above the earth and zipping through time zones? As we discuss next, there are plenty of proactive steps that can help you stay hydrated during long-haul flights.

Top Hydration Hacks for Long-Haul Flights

We now understand the importance of staying hydrated during long-haul flights, but there are challenges to achieving this. The first hurdle is navigating the airport, restrictions on liquids and a focus on commercial profits over passenger hydration are part of the problem.

But with a little preparation and some smart planning, it is easily possible to remain hydrated and arrive at your destination bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! (Well maybe not quite, but certainly more refreshed and energized.)

Before the Flight

a person holding a glass of water
Source: Unsplash.

This is where some preparation can help. By beginning your “hydration strategy” well ahead of your flight, you lay the groundwork for staying hydrated during your journey.

Steps that can help you to achieve this include:

  • Start early: Begin increasing your water intake several days before your flight. This helps ensure your body is well-hydrated from the start.
  • Avoid diuretics: In the 24 hours before your flight, reduce consumption of diuretics like coffee, tea, and alcohol, which can increase dehydration.

By following these simple steps, you're setting yourself up for a more comfortable and hydrated flight experience.

During the Flight

passenger seats
Source: Unsplash.

The dry atmosphere of an airplane means we are far more susceptible to losing valuable moisture. In such circumstances, the trick is to avoid becoming thirsty, we discussed why this is important earlier. However, this is often easier to say than achieve, but the following hacks can help you stay hydrated throughout the flight:

  • Drink regularly: As simple as it seems this is often overlooked with “I’m not thirsty” often being the cited reason behind this, a point that we now know to be counterproductive.  Aim to drink water every hour. Even if you're not thirsty, small, regular sips can prevent dehydration.
  • Choose eco-friendly water: Opt for still or sparkling water over sugary or alcoholic beverages. Consider carrying a refillable bottle and filling it with eco-friendly water to stay hydrated and environmentally conscious.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol: These can lead to dehydration, so it's best to avoid them or consume them in moderation.

Drinking plain and simple water regularly – regardless of whether or not you are thirsty – is the key to staying hydrated. Simple enough, but often overlooked.

After the Flight

While your physical journey may end when your plane lands, your hydration journey must make a few more connections before it arrives at its well-hydrated destination.

Here are some pointers to making sure you’re still hydrated even after disembarking from your flight:

  • Keep drinking water: Your body is still adjusting after the flight, so continue to drink water regularly to rehydrate.
  • Mind the climate: If you're landing in a hot or dry destination, you may need to increase your water intake to compensate for the additional loss of moisture.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to signs of dehydration and continue to hydrate as needed.

By maintaining these hydration practices after your flight, you can help your body recover more quickly and adjust to your new environment, ensuring you're ready for whatever comes next.

wings on a plane
Source: Unsplash.

You Have Reached Your Destination: Hydrated, Healthy, and Happy

Regardless of whether you're a seasoned flier or someone who grips the armrest a little too tightly, reaching your destination is always a relief.

Staying hydrated during your flight you can ensure that you also land energized for whatever challenges lie ahead. Staying hydrated is not just about combatting thirst, it ensures that your journey is more enjoyable, you remain healthy, and the effects of jet lag are minimized.   


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