How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster

Learning a new language entirely different from your own is exciting. However, it's natural to wonder how long the entire learning process will take, especially if it's a unique language like Korean.

There may not be a single answer that works for everything, but several factors can influence your Korean fluency. Let's break them down and understand what you can do to learn Korean better.

Factors That Influence Learning Korean

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
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Around 77 million Korean speakers speak the Korean language worldwide, including in North Korea, South Korea, and other countries where Koreans reside. If you’re having a hard time, dedication and hard work can help you learn a Korean course more quickly.

These could be the reasons that affect your Korean language learning journey:

Native Language and Language-Learning Experience

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
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If your mother tongue is a different language from English, it may take some time for you to be fluent. Other East Asian languages like Japanese might have an easier time understanding the grammar and syntax because of their similarities. 

Your skills may be sharpened if you've learned another language besides Korean, especially one with a different writing system. It can help you practice and familiarize yourself with Hangul or the Korean alphabet easily.

Dedicated Time for Studying

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
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The length of time you spend studying Korean is a crucial factor in achieving language proficiency. Whatever schedule you may have, these are some tips to dedicate some time to studying Korean in a day:

  • Set your own regular study habits to practice your Korean skills constantly.
  • Review your Korean vocabulary by practicing a few words in a day.
  • Practice writing Hangul for a few minutes. Have a guide on Hangul's vowels, consonants, and romanized sounds for writing Korean words.

Access to Resources

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
Source: Unsplash

The type of resources you use can impact your learning of the foreign language.

Korean dramas, podcasts, Korean movies, language-learning apps like iTalki, and Korean music can help you understand and master conversational Korean. On the other hand, being around native speakers helps you apply your skills in real-life conversations.

Learning Style

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
Source; Unsplash

Korean language learners have different styles. You may learn more with videos and flashcards if you're a visual learner.

Podcasts and songs are your best allies in sharpening your Korean language skills if you're an auditory learner. Knowing and understanding how you learn lets you customize your learning methods to suit your strengths.


If you set your mind to it, you should be motivated to learn Korean every single day.

Set goals, such as passing the TOPIK exam, traveling to Korea, or working in a Korean company, to keep you motivated to learn more.

How to Speed Up the Learning Process

While learning the Korean language is challenging, these tips can help you learn faster:

Immerse in Korean culture

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
Source: Freepik

Language and culture have always been tied to each other. You'll learn more about the language if you know the culture. This is how you can do it:

  • Watch Korean movies and TV shows with Korean subtitles and challenge yourself to understand what the people are saying without translation. Exposure helps you pick up the sentence structure, conversational phrases, and cultural nuances you don't learn in books. Watching Korean dramas can also help you understand daily conversations in real life.
  • Listen to Korean podcasts and music to know how words are spoken. These can help master Korean pronunciation and speak Korean pretty well.
  • Follow Korean social media and read Korean news to learn about sentence structures in Korean grammar. Include Korean YouTubers and influencers as well.
  • Learn about Korean history and cultural traditions. Read articles about their holidays or watch documentaries covering these topics to gain an understanding of Korea.
  • Try Korean food at markets to explore Korea's culinary culture.

Practice Speaking Often

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
Source: Unsplash

Practice speaking Korean with a language exchange partner to get pointers on pronouncing Korean words and phrases.

Don't wait until you're ready—take the initiative to practice speaking with an app or another person daily for conversational fluency.

Set Milestones

Divide your goals into milestones to make your Korean study manageable. For example, you can aim to learn a few phrases in a week and then double the amount by the following week. Achieving a single milestone allows you to celebrate the moment you tick it off your bucket list.

Be Consistent

Daily study beats the feeling of studying only on the weekends or whenever you're available. You can retain more information and learn better when you study every day.

It's up to you how long you study Korean in a day. At least 30 minutes to an hour would do. You can study for 30 minutes on weekdays and expand your hours during the weekends. The goal is to be consistent with your Korean studies.

Review your flashcards, watch a Korean lesson video, practice with a friend, or do anything productive about learning Korean. Plan your study sessions in advance so you won't fumble when the study day comes.

Parting Thoughts

How to Learn Korean: Essential Tips and Techniques to Master the Language Faster
Source: Unsplash

How long it will take to learn Korean fully depends on your consistency, time investment, resources, and goals.

While it can take years to become fluent, learning Korean is rewarding. Consistent effort and love for anything Korean will help you communicate in the language better than you first started. It's a noteworthy achievement that you can pat yourself on the back for.


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