How to Decide on Your Next Holiday Destination

Trying to figure out where you book your next holiday to but can't work out where to go?

When the planet is so colossal it needn't be an issue, here are a few ways you can decide on your next adventure. 

Ask Friends for Recommendations

Finding out from loved ones what their favourite vacations have been and getting personal recommendations is a great way to choose a destination.

They'll be able to let you know the best places to visit, where to shop, where to eat and possibly where to avoid based on their own experiences. If you know you and your friends tend to have similar tastes, this can save you time while you're away trawling through places you won't enjoy as much and can head straight to those that have come recommended.

While everyone's experiences are going to differ, if someone you know has had an incredible time and is raving about their trip, it could well be worth you checking out if you're stuck for ideas. 

Source: Pexels.

Choose a Tour

Tours are great as you get to see a place in-depth and learn more about it, from an experienced tour guide or provider.

If you want to get a little more out of your trip than simply lying on the beach and sitting by the pool all day, then this is a fantastic option.

Go onto a site that offers tours and then read more about each destination, that way you can pick the one that most appeals to you. 

Pick Out a Hat

If you and your partner or the rest of your group can't decide on a destination, one option would be to put all of your choices into a hat and pick one out.

As long as you're open to going somewhere you might not have initially thought of then it's the perfect way to choose your next destination, and chances are you'll go and have an incredible time.

Sometimes we can fall into a rut with the destinations and the types of holidays we go on, this is one way to mix that up.

Source: Pexels.

Point to a Map

Finally, if you're completely open to where you will go in the world then why not close your eyes and point to a random spot on a map or on a globe?

Most places in the world will have something interesting to offer, and by doing this you push yourself to visit and experience places you may otherwise would have overlooked.

The only thing to be mindful of is that not every country will be safe, once you've got your destination, have a look at safety advice online. If it's in a war zone or area of political instability then you'll of course need to pick again. 

How to Decide on Your Next Holiday Destination - The BeauTraveler


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