5 Things That Make Remote Working Better Than The Office

More and more people prefer remote working than having to sacrifice their time to commute and work from the office. Not only is it preferred due to the time efficiency, but with the right strategy you can also earn a high income with various self-taught skills, from SEO to data analytics.

Expect employers to keep employees at home as they continue working from home and doing the best they can. For those of us that were looking forward to going back to the office and now have to reconcile the fact that our home office is the only place we’ll be sitting to do our work, here are 5 things that will make this all better.

Small pouffe

A pouffe is a rustic alternative to the Ottoman. Having some kind of foot support is going to make working long hours much better. You can take your shoes or slippers off and lean your feet on top of a soft wooly pouffe.

During the winter, this is often the item of choice for many living rooms around the world. It's usually made out of wool or cotton, and stuffed with foam or coarse sheep’s wool.

Get a small pouffe which you can fit underneath your desk.

Fresh air

The colder months are now upon us and we’re going to be feeling the chill for the foreseeable future. This will keep us from opening the doors or windows for too long as the warmth in our homes will fly out.

However, if we don’t get some kind of fresh air then we could be breathing in hot, muggy and toxic ambient air.

Using a humidity monitor is a great way to see how much moisture is in the home and if you need to turn on the HVAC or open a window. It's also a built-in security system, with motion sensors and can be hooked to smart alarms. 

home workplace.
Source: Pexels.

Neck pillow

Did you know that most people working from home are doing so, for longer hours than they normally would?

Yes, rather than working an average 8 hours a day, most are working 8.5 or 9 hours a day. Many have also gone from 5 days a week to 6 days!

As you can imagine, staying up for long hours can wreak havoc on your shoulders and neck. So buy a neck pillow so your head can rest back while still being able to look at the screen.

listening to music while working at home.
Source: Pexels.

Play some music

Spotify and Apple Music are the top music streaming services in the world. You should try to make a work playlist, whereby music that helps you stay productive is continually playing in the background.

Alternatively, if you don't mind being interrupted with ads every now and again, form a YouTube music playlist instead.


Part of the joy of going to work is meeting people face to face. This is no longer an option. But, you can facetime with your fellow colleagues or just facetime with a friend during lunchtime. Try to make work-life as normal as possible.

Working from home is going to continue for as far as most of us can see. It has become the norm, so why not get comfortable and help yourself to work better?

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