5 Reasons to Visit Lord Howe Island Holidays

With its clear waters, sandy beaches and beautiful forests, the Lord Howe Island has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Australia.

Both Australians and people from other parts of the world have fallen in love with this astonishing island the very first time they saw it.

Set at only 500 miles off the coast of Sydney, this island has a lot to offer, starting with the amazing landscapes and the astounding marine life. Read this extensive guide, so that you know what you can expect when you get to the island.

If you are in the process of choosing your next holiday destination, Lord Howe Island should definitely be on your list of potential places. People who have already been there are amazed with the whole setting and the charm of this tiny place and all the attractions it has to offer.

I’m sure that you would be amazed with it too, whether you decide to visit it alone, or take your family for a nice holiday.

Choosing a holiday destination is definitely not something you should do on the spur of the moment. If you are a serious traveler, you will first do research on some of your favorite places on the list of potential destinations and then decide on the next one you want to visit.

When thinking of visiting Lord Howe Island, you will definitely want to find some good reasons to go there. So, let me share a couple of great reasons to visit this beautiful retreat as soon as possible.

Source: Pxhere.

You Can Explore the History of the Place

In case you are one of those people who like to divulge in the history of the places you are visiting, then you will have a lot to do on this island.

There is a visitor’s center dedicated to explaining the extensive history of this place. You will get to see historic archives, displays and photographs. The whole community is rather unique, allowing you to experience the whole history of this astonishing place as if you were a part of it. And, it does have an extensive history, dating from 1788.

Here’s some intro to its history: https://www.britannica.com/place/Lord-Howe-Island

You Get to See Rare Birds

If you are a bird lover, then you are in for a real surprise.

There are around 30 beautiful and unique species residing on this island and they are at their most interesting between March and November, when it’s time to do the courtship dance.

By being at the right place at the right time, i.e. at Lord Howe Island during the months I have mentioned, you will get to see their unique behavior and enjoy watching the beautiful birds perform their mating dance.

There is another rather interesting thing about these birds that will astound you.

Unlike anywhere else, the birds found here aren’t afraid of people. In fact, they are so tame that you can actually call them out of the air and watch them join whatever it is that you are doing on the ground.

They are curious and some might even call them nosy, because they won’t hesitate getting down to the ground in order to see what it is that you are doing and join in on the fun. This is the type of behavior that is rarely seen by birds, isn’t it? Well, it’s pretty common and normal on Lord Howe Island.

Source: Pexels.

Technology Detox is a Thing

How many times have you talked about performing a technology detox? How many times have you wished you could simply go somewhere far, far away, without your phone, your lap top and any other Internet-connected devices, so that you can have some great rest?

And, how many times have you given up on that decision, partly because you aren’t sure if you could make it without all those gadgets, but mostly because you don’t know the place that can offer such a possibility?

I say it’s time to give up on giving up. I say it’s time to actually make that wish come true and visit a place that can help you get the detox you desire and thus the rest you deserve.

Pretty much like Bario in Sarawak, there is no mobile phone coverage on the Lord Howe Island and no public Wi-Fi.

Don’t worry, you would still be able to contact someone in case of emergencies or if you simply feel like talking to someone outside this paradise, but the point is that you can finally completely relax without any type of technology to drain your energy.

Accommodation is Luxurious

You would think that places like these don’t have a lot to offer accommodation wise, am I right?

Still, this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you take a look at the Capella Lord Howe Island holiday resort, you will see that the accommodation services on this island are up to highest standards.

The amenities and the services offered by places like these are really something that everyone should experience and especially those people who really like being pampered while on holiday.

So, before you give up on Lord Howe Island because you think that the accommodation is poor, I suggest you do some research about the places you can stay at while visiting this amazing place.

I am pretty sure you will be awed both with the beauty of the resorts and the actual services that those places offer to tourists. Make sure to check out a few of those and decide on the one that you like the most and get ready to really get spoiled at an island.

The Beaches Will Take Your Breath Away

While there are a lot of activities you can engage in on this island, such as hiking and biking, the truth is that the picture-perfect beaches will outshine all of those activities.

If you enjoy spending your time on beautiful beaches and enjoying the warm air, you will certainly love this Australian retreat. There’s no way you won’t be able to relax on beaches like those found at Lord Howe Island.

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