Whether you’re traveling to somewhere particularly sunny or you simply want to make sure that you’re taking good care of your skin throughout the summer, it’s important to make sure that you’re giving it the protection it needs from the harmful rays of the sun.
However, not all sunscreen is equal, and some are far more worth taking a look at than others. Here, we’re going to look at some of the major differences, and which ones you should consider choosing over the rest.

Built-in sunscreen isn’t enough
There are a lot of ways to add natural supplements to your beauty regimen, helping your make-up and skincare products do double duty. This includes products that add skin tightening ingredients like hyaluronic acid or those that have extra moisturizing effects.
However, don’t ever feel like make-up or skincare products with additional sunscreen are enough to fully protect your skin. No matter what skin type or tone you are, you need the real protection of purpose-made sunscreen.
You need complete protection
How do you know what type of protection is best? First, you need to know what you’re protecting yourself from. All types of sunscreen offer protection from UVB rays, which is the kind that burns the skin.
However, only broad-protection varieties, such as Zo Skin Health, protect from UVA rays that tend to do more long term damage to the skin, sucking out moisture and aging the skin.
Furthermore, when you’re looking at SPF numbers, you don’t usually need to go much higher than 30, as going higher doesn’t provide much more protection.
You are what you wear
Our skin will absorb at least a little bit of almost everything that we put on it. However, when it comes to sunscreen, you don’t want it to absorb too much that isn’t natural. As such, this is why a lot of people choose mineral sunscreen over synthetic, as Shape explains.
Effectively, mineral sunscreen products tend to have more non-nano particles, which are the particles too large to be absorbed through the skin. While chemical sunscreen might not do a lot of immediate damage, it can have unwanted side-effects such as dehydrating your skin in the long run.
Choose the sunscreen that fits your skin type the best
Everyone’s skin is a little different. They mostly fit the five categories of skin type. If you have sensitive skin, then you might want to avoid chemical UV blockers that can cause some stinging, irritation and visual redness.
You should also be wary that some people do have allergic reactions to most sunscreen products. While rare, sunscreen allergies can be dangerous. Mineral-only sunscreens that lack the ingredients that tend to lead to reactions may be the best fit for them. However, if you think you experience an allergic reaction, it’s important to confirm it with your doctor.
Be sure to be picky when you’re choosing your sunscreen. Not only will it affect how much protection your skin really gets, but also whether or not your skin reacts badly to the sunscreen itself.
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