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How to Plan a Solo Travel Adventure with RoutePerfect’s Trip Planner

Traveling around the world on your own can be as thrilling as it is daunting. Thankfully, it’s easy to remove some of that daunting nature by cutting down some of the more confusing elements of planning a trip.

Here, let’s talk about some great ways to make the perfect solo trip happen using RoutePerfect’s trip planner!

4 Ultimate Tips for Planning Your Solo Adventure

Be discerning with accommodation

A really convenient feature of RoutePerfect is that you can select how luxurious you’d like your accommodation to be during your trip.

You can live like a Rockefeller if you’re taking the trip of a lifetime, or you could be a bit more budget-conscious to keep traveling a bit longer.

While it’s always wise to be discerning with your accommodation, the point to discuss here is that it’s wise to opt for both more expensive options and more affordable options.

Say you’re traveling through some gorgeous small towns in Southeast Asia like Chiang Rai in Thailand or Chau Doc in Vietnam, there are plenty of gorgeous locations in that part of the world that boast perfectly fine hostels, allowing you little more than a bed, a shower, and a toilet.

If you’re hiking through the jungle and exploring nature, that might be precisely what you want: just a place to rest before you get onto the next leg of the trip.

However, it’s likely that after a while you might want to experience a bit of luxury. Everyone wants to experience a little luxury from time to time.

How to Plan a Solo Travel Adventure with RoutePerfect’s Trip Planner
Source: Unsplash

While you don’t have to book a fantastically expensive hotel just for the sake of bathing, it may be wise to spend a little extra on accommodation here and there to reconnect with yourself.

After a week of trekking through the jungle or diving into dusty archaeological pits, you’ll likely want a night or two to take a shower, eat a hot meal, and sleep in a plush bed.

Of course, only you can determine exactly what would be best for you and how often you might want that, but booking that luxurious hotel is something you’ll likely thank yourself for later.

Evaluate different experiences

How to Plan a Solo Travel Adventure with RoutePerfect’s Trip Planner
Source: Unspalsh

Throughout the different experiences and events that RoutePerfect has access to, there are undoubtedly those that would be better alone and those that would be better with a travel buddy.

For example, going to a wine-tasting event will almost certainly be a lot more fun if you’re tasting wine with your best friend. Therefore, it’s worth considering how you might interact with any given experience as a solo traveler: will it be as fun as you hope?

A great rule of thumb is often to try to experience learning-oriented events on your own. If it’s a topic you’re particularly interested in, you can take the time to deliberately listen to what’s being said, and engage with the tour guide or lecturer on their terms.

Were you there with a friend, though, you may find that you spend your time giggling together rather than focussing on the lessons. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but it’s wise to consider each event in this ‘solo/with a buddy’ way.

Consider travel time well

How to Plan a Solo Travel Adventure with RoutePerfect’s Trip Planner
Source: Unsplash

The travel time between two different locations on your trip is never the most engaging part of your vacation. However, it can be made more fun when you’re with a friend or a travel buddy.

If you know that you’re planning to travel alone, it’s worth trying to cut down on the amount of time that you might spend actually traveling.

Using the RoutePerfect software, you can add and move destinations for your trip so that the cities you’re visiting are closer together. This will allow you to cut down on travel time by a large margin, and give yourself a more enjoyable experience overall.

It may also be a good idea for you to consider ways in which you could make the travel time you do have more fun for yourself.

For instance, you could actively take things to read, watch, or do with you on the trip. While traveling alone often means packing light, something to alleviate boredom is worth its weight in gold!


A solo travel adventure can be one of the most liberating and thrilling things you ever do.

However, you want to remain within your budget yet still cram in as much as is feasibly possible. To make sure that you have a great time, however, it’s always important to do a little bit of planning ahead of setting off.

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