Top Hairloss Signs to Watch Out in Your 20s

Hair loss can occur at almost any age. People as young as 20 have noticed the beginnings of hair loss.

For some people, hair loss is gradual. For others, it seems to happen almost overnight. When it comes to younger people in their 20s, the effects of hair loss are usually very gradual.

In fact, there are four signs of hair loss that can alert you to the threat quite early on. Hair loss isn't always permanent. If caught early enough, the effects can be slowed or even reversed.

Top Hairloss Signs to Watch Out in Your 20s - The BeauTraveler

You should pay attention to any changes with your hair, no matter how small. In this article, we're going to look at four of the main signs that indicate you might be experiencing hair loss. These four signs are common amongst younger people but are also often found by older generations.

Main Signs of Hair Loss to Watch in Your 20s

If you are interested in learning the four main signs of hair loss to watch out for in your 20s, then read on!

1. A Receding Hairline

You may have heard of the famous McDonald's hairline. A receding hairline is the initial stage toward achieving such a hair structure.

It starts out as just a few slight shorter hairs above your temples. It may not seem like a problem right away. However, once your hair begins to recede, it doesn't typically stop unless you do something about it.

After a few months or a year, your hair may be more than a centimeter shorter above the temples. Eventually, your hair will grow so thin above the temples that you are left with an ‘M' shape on your scalp. (Hence, the McDonald's hairline)

The receding hairline is the most common of all signs and is typically the first one you will notice. However, you should still inspect the other three main signs to determine just how far along your hair loss is.

Source: Pexels.

2. Thinning in Your Crown

The second most common sign is thinning in your crown. When your hair first grows out, you won't be able to see any of your scalp. Your hair should cover all of your scalp and probably most of your forehead too.

However, thinning on the crown is still quite a common occurrence, even for those still in their 20s. When you start to notice some of your scalp showing, you may be experiencing thinning of the crown.

If you have noticed this, you really need to get it checked out soon. Thinning of the crown is a gradual thing, but you could be left with permanent bald spots if nothing is done for too long!

3. An Alarming Amount of Loose Hair

While it may be normal for your hair to shed during puberty, especially for women, it isn't as normal for this to occur in your 20s. If you're finding bits of your hair stuck in the drains of your shower or sink on a daily basis, (or even every other day) you should look into whether or not you are at risk for a major amount of hair loss in the future.

4. Sunburn on Your Forehead

While if you stay out in the sun for ten hours straight you're sure to get sunburnt, it isn't as normal to get a sunburn on your forehead from a typical amount of time outside.

Most of the time, you'll feel sunburnt on your neck, arms, and nose. If you tend to cut your hair so that you have no bangs, then it may not be surprising if you get sunburnt on your forehead as well. For more useful info like this, visit

However, if you have sunburn at levels where your hair reaches, especially if the sunburn is on the top of your head, this could be quite concerning. This would mean that your hair is already thin enough for the majority of UV Ray's from the sun to hit that spot of your scalp or forehead.

What to do if You Fit the Above Criteria

Even if you only fit one or two of the above signs, you should still get checked out. You can go to your local doctor or a hair loss specialist depending on what is available to you.

Whoever you ask to give you a check-up should be able to determine how far along your hair loss is, assuming you are at risk at all. If you get to the point where hairloss also affects your confidence, visit to learn more about curly human hair wigs. Wearing wig for a while can be an alternative for that.

If you're showing all four signs at once, get a check-up immediately. Your hair loss symptoms are already quite far along and you run the risk of having permanent hair loss. The sooner you get to it, the better your chances of restoring your lost hair and keeping what you have left!
