Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave

Moving to another country is an exciting adventure, but packing up your life in one place to start over somewhere new can also feel overwhelming.

Determining what to bring with you and what to leave behind is an important part of preparing for your move abroad. Follow these tips to make sure you pack all the essentials while still traveling light.

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

Research Your Destination

Before you start packing, do thorough research about your new home country.

Factors like climate, culture, lifestyle, housing, and availability of familiar products should all impact your packing decisions. You may not need all your cold weather gear moving to the tropics or half your kitchen appliances if your new apartment is furnished.

Don't pack for your current life – pack for the life you'll have abroad.

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

Shipping Your Car

For moves to continental Europe or the UK, having your car shipped over can make sense.

International auto shipping companies can transport your car by sea in an enclosed container. Some of them will also let you ship your car with stuff inside as long as it is secured.

Extra insurance coverage is recommended during transport. Upon arrival, you'll need to register and insure the vehicle locally before driving.

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

Documents and Identification

When moving overseas, be sure to keep important documents like passports, birth certificates, driver's licenses, and insurance papers in a safe and accessible place.

You'll need these for travel as well as applying for visas and residence permits. Scan or take photos of all documents as a backup. Contact lens and glasses prescriptions are also good to have on hand.

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

Electronics and Appliances

Laptops, phones, and other electronics you use daily should definitely make the move with you.

Be mindful of plug adapters you may need for overseas outlets. For appliances, do research beforehand to see what's already provided in housing and what you'll need to purchase.

Voltage converters are essential for using appliances from the U.S. abroad.

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

Clothing Must-Haves

When packing clothes for an international move, focus on basics that mix and match well. Dark colored or patterned fabrics that don't show dirt or stains easily are ideal.

Aim for quality over quantity – synthetic blends that hold up over time versus items that may wear out quickly.

Having clothes appropriate for the climate is also key. Don't forget coats, boots, swimwear and other seasonal apparel.

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

Toiletries and Medications

Bring enough toiletries like soap, shampoo, and toothpaste to get you through the first few weeks until you can purchase more locally.

Prescription medications are essential – bring extra so you don't run out before finding a doctor overseas. First aid supplies are also handy during travel and your first days in a new place.

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

Family Keepsakes and Photos

Though you want to pack lightly, make room for sentimental items like photos, journals, favorite books, or small souvenirs.

These touches of home can help ease transition shock in your new environment. Digitizing photos or records to travel light is an option too. Leave heirlooms and valuables in trusted hands rather than risk damage.

What to Leave Behind

Packing Essentials for Moving Abroad: What to Bring and What to Leave
Source: depositphotos

More is not necessarily better when moving abroad.

Furniture, appliances, and decor are often best purchased at your destination unless you have rare antiques. Out of season clothes just take up space. Don't stock up on more toiletries or food than you'll use right away. If you're unsure, leave it out – you can likely find a replacement.

Moving abroad lets you reinvent your lifestyle. Be selective when packing so you only hold onto what will be useful for this next chapter of your international adventure.


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