How to Help a Loved One Recover From a Concussion

A concussion is a brain injury that may occur after hitting your head and should be taken seriously because they affect brain cell function.

If an individual has a concussion, they may experience symptoms for days, weeks, or longer. Symptoms may include dizziness, headaches, nausea, memory problems, cognition issues, and more.

If you have a loved one who developed a concussion after an incident, keep reading for information on how to help them recover.

rest after concussion
Source: Pexels.


The body does the majority of its healing during sleep, so resting as much as possible is essential to your friend's recovery.

Rest also means taking it easy, and anyone with a concussion should relax and avoid physical exertion. A great way to aid in your loved ones' rest is by helping them complete chores like cooking and cleaning.

Once the individual begins to feel better, they can begin light exercise, which can also help the recovery process.


Staying hydrated can be difficult with a concussion because nausea is a common symptom that makes it difficult to keep food and water down. However, your loved one needs to maintain a normal hydration level.

Dehydration can alter the body's ability to heal and can result in worsened or new symptoms.

Additionally, inflammation is a natural response to injury, and although inflammation is part of the healing process, it can be painful. Water reduces the inflammation caused by a concussion and even improves brain function.

healthy food
Source: Pexels.

Foods For Brain Health

Eating a well-balanced diet filled with foods that improve brain health can speed the recovery process.

Examples of foods for brain health include:

  • Fatty fish
  • Blueberries
  • Turmeric
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Green tea
  • Oranges

Receiving the right nutrients is key to brain healing, and the foods listed above are rich in the necessary vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc.

Ditch the Alcohol

For your loved one to have the best chance at healing their brain injury, they must abstain from the use of drugs and alcohol.

Drugs and alcohol impair brain function, which stalls healing and even increases the risk of developing a new injury or making the concussion worse.

Additionally, these substances are diuretics, which means it causes the body to lose water at an increased rate. As mentioned, staying hydrated is essential to healing an injury.

Cannabis Use

Although drugs and alcohol are to be avoided during a concussion, marijuana use can be beneficial since it does not affect the brain and body in the same way.

The relationship between concussions and the cannabinoids THC and CBD have been heavily researched. The findings were that cannabis products can improve the healing process by relieving concussion symptoms like pain, stress, nausea, and cognition difficulties.

Here, you can find more information on how cannabis can aid in concussion recovery.

cbd for concussion
Source: Pexels.

Reduce Stress

Stress and anxiety interfere with the brain's ability to heal in many ways.

When we are stressed, we produce a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol suppresses the immune system and makes it difficult for the body to fight inflammation.

Stress can also alter an individual's sleep cycle and internal body functions.

Monitor Symptoms

While helping your loved one recover from a concussion, monitor their symptoms to ensure they are not getting worse.

Loss of consciousness, extreme nausea, vomiting, severe pain, loss of consciousness, and incoherence are examples of symptoms that warrant an emergency room visit.

Most concussions do not require medical treatment; however, more serious injuries may need surgery or medication. Monitoring symptoms is how you will help determine whether or not your loved one should be seen by a professional.


When an individual hits their head, a mild to severe concussion may occur.

This type of injury can result in symptoms like nausea, pain, dizziness, and impaired cognition.

In some instances, concussed individuals would benefit from the help of a loved one during their recovery.

If you are helping a loved one while they heal from a concussion, make sure your loved one gets plenty of sleep, exercise, and water. You should also make sure they avoid drugs, alcohol, and stress.

As your loved one rests and heals, monitor their symptoms and take note of any changes. If symptoms worsen, head to the emergency room.

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